z390 Portable Mainframe COBOL Compiler

zCOBOL Portable Mainframe COBOL Options and File Types

z390 Portable Mainframe Assembler and Emulator
z390 and zcobol options include the following:

Command Line options for zCOBOL Compiler

To turn off an option that is on, prefix the option name with NO on command line or in OPT options file.

Option Default Description
@file NO Retrieve additional options from free form text file with default suffix OPT.  Options can be specified delimited by spaces on as many lines as requires.  All characters on a line following * are ignored as comments. The @file option can be nested.  The default path is the program path.
CICS NO Parse COBOL EXEC CICS commands into z390 EXEC CICS compatible macro calls and also rename working storage to DFHEISTG.
COMMENT YES Generate MLC comments showing original COBOL statement preceding each macro call statement.
EXTEND YES Support up to 31 digits for DISPLAY (Z) and COMP-3 (P) type data items rather than limiting precision to ANSI 1985 standard of 18.
FLOAT(DECIMAL) YES Set type of floating point for usage FLOAT-SHORT, FLOAT-LONG, and FLOAT-EXTENDED.  The choices are FLOAT(HEX) for Hexidecimal Floating Point (HFP) like COMP-1 and COMP-2, FLOAT(BINARY) for Binary Floating Point (BFP), or the default FLOAT(DECIMAL) for Decimal Floating Point (DFP).
R64 YES Generate 64 bit instructions for the 16 GPR registers where appropriate.  NOR64 restricts code generation to only use lower 32 bits of 16 GPR registers as required by z/VSE and some other operating environments.  (Note option TRUNC and NOR64 results in use of DXR instead of DGR which is more efficient.)
TRACE NO Generate WTO display of paragraph name at entry to each new paragraph in procedure division.  This provides high level trace as opposed to using the z390 TRACE(E) option which generates instruction level trace.
TRUNC NO Truncate binary data types F, G, and H to specified number of digits in PICTURE.
WARN YES Generate level 4 MNOTE warnings from zcobol macros
  • Options are passed to the zcobol macro stage via CBL macro call with the options defined as positional parameters

zCOBOL File Types

TYPE Format File Description File or Report Format Description
CBL ASCII COBOL source program 1-6 sequence #, 7 Comment if not space, 8-11 area A, 12-72 area B
MLC ASCII macro assembler source program generated by phase 1 of the zcobol compiler which uses zcobol.class regular expression based parser in z390.jar to read CBL source file and create MLC source file in one pass.  macro call. for each COBOL statement starting in area A and for each COBOL verb found in area B.  Working storage data items are mapped to WS macro call with level as first parameter.  Each macro call name is followed by positional  parameters found following verb up to next verb or period.   Periods are mapped to PERIOD macro call.  Parameters of the form keyword(..) are passed as single parameter.  Other ( and ) are passed as separate parameter in quotes.
BAL ASCII HLASM compatible source code generated by phase 2 of the zCOBOL compiler when using ZC390C or ZC390CLG commands. HLASM compatible source statements generated by the zcobol+zcobol\z390 macros during expansion of the generated MLC file.
JAVA ASCII J2SE Java compatible source program file generated by phase 2 of the zCOBOL compiler when using ZCJAVC or ZCJAVCLG commands. Java source statements generated by the zcobol+zcobol\java macros during expansion of the generated MLC file.
CPP ASCII MS Visual Express C compatible source program file generated by phase 2 of the zCOBOL compiler when using ZCVCEC or ZCVCECLG commands. MS Visual Express C compatible source statements generated by the zcobol+zcobol\vce macros during expansion of the generated MLC file.
HLA ASCII HLA/MASM compatible source program file generated by phase 2 of the zCOBOL compiler when using ZC586C or ZC586CLG commands. HLA/MASM compatible source statements generated by the zcobol+zcobol\i586 macros during expansion of the generated MLC file.

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This page last updated Wednesday May 23, 2012.   Webmaster
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