z390 Portable Mainframe Assembler and Emulator

z390 Interactive Support Tools
Crossloop and Skype

z390 Project


z390 Support tools recommended for use in helping to speed up problem determination and resolution include:

  • Crossloop Remote Desktop sharing and file transfer software - once this free software is downloaded and installed on Windows Vista or XP, you can use it to allow other support personnel with the same software to share your desktop remotely and perform problem determination on your PC.  Also files can be transferred directly if they are too large for email.

  • Skype voice communication software - once this free software is downloaded and installed on Windows Vista or XP, you can use it to talk to any other PC user anywhere on the Internet with the same software using the PC speakers and microphones.  This tool operates hands free so you can talk while using the Crossloop remote desktop software to analyze a problem.

For a list of other mainframe assembler development and debugging tools see David Alcock's FAQ.

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