SHARE z390 Portable Mainframe Assembler and Emulator Presentations

Session Number: 8191
Session Title: z390 Portable Mainframe Assembler and Emulator Project
Day - Time: Tuesday, August 14, 2007, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Location: Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego , Edward C
Program: Applications Systems
Project: Assembler Language Project
Classification Technical
Speaker: Don Higgins, Automated Software Tools Company 
Abstract: The speaker (the developer of z390) will introduce the tool and the open source project for support and extensions. The new GUAM option for GUI Access Method interactive assembler supports:
  • MCS console WTO and WTOR messages
  • TN3270 full screen with TPUT and TGET macros
  • Graphical displays
  • AMODE/RMODE 24/31 programs
  • 32 & 64 bit instructions at 1 MIPS+
  • HFP & BFP 32, 64, 128 floating point registers
  • TIME with extensions for nanoseconds
  • Many other common OS macros

z390 includes demo programs plus optional MVS macros and extensive regression tests. z390 is written in J2SE compatible Java and is distributed under a GNU open source license.

Come to this session to learn about this exciting new open source tool from the author of the original PC/370!



Session Number: 2845
Session Title: z390 Portable Mainframe Assembler and Emulator Project 
Day - Time: Monday, February 12, 2007, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Tampa Convention Center, Room 20
Program: MVS
Project: MVS SCP
Classification Technical
Speaker: Don Higgins, Automated Software Tools Company 
Abstract: The speaker (the developer of z390) will introduce the tool and the open source project for support and extensions. z390 lets users edit, assemble, link, and execute mainframe assembler programs on Windows XP or 2000. It supports GUI, command line, and batch interfaces. The new GUAM option for GUI Access Method interactive assembler supports:
  • MCS console WTO and WTOR messages
  • TN3270 full screen with TPUT and TGET macros
  • Graphical displays
  • AMODE/RMODE 24/31 programs
  • 32 & 64 bit instructions at 1 MIPS+
  • HFP & BFP 32, 64, 128 floating point
  • TIME with extensions for nanoseconds
  • Many other common OS macros

z390 includes demo programs plus optional MVS macros and extensive regression tests. z390 is written in J2SE compatible Java and is distributed under a GNU open source license.

Come to this session to learn about this exciting new open source tool from the author of the original PC/370!


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